财新传媒 财新传媒


· 上海中学生最近再度保住了全球“学霸”地位,在国际学生能力评估计划(PISA)排名中独占鳌头,而美国学生仅仅排在第36位。这自然又引起一轮“要不要学习中国”的讨论。

· Saga Ringmar是一位瑞典高中学生,曾经在上海读过两年高中,她在英国卫报网站上发表了一篇评论提醒美国人:别想着学中国,上海的中学很可怕的……

· 我们来看看Ringmar在这篇文章里都对中国教育做了哪些吐槽(当然要注意,她说得未必都对): 


The biggest problem with Chinese education? It's medieval. Shanghainese education is just like the stories my grandmother tells about high school in the 1940's. 


The problem is that there are too many Chinese students. Shanghainese classrooms have about 40 students and in the countryside classes have over 60. The most efficient way to organize all these children is by testing, categorizing and grading them - Chinese education is essentially elitist. Students that excel in school are rewarded with prizes and encouragement, but struggling students are abandoned.




I once served as a translator for the principal of my school when seven Swedish principals came to visit Shanghai. The Swedes asked what the school did for students with "special needs" and the principal answered: 

   "The special students who are doing well in class? We make sure to put a lot of focus on them."

This Chinese principal didn't understand the concept of special needs, and neither does the Chinese educational system.


Although Chinese students analyze literature, they never write essays and instead they simply memorize the texts. I have never memorized so much in my life as I did in Shanghai. The ideal Shanghainese student is like a sea sponge blindly absorbing any and all information and spewing it all out during the tests. 


Many of my friends agree that the test is useless – the calculus problems and memorized literature will not be of any use in the future – but they have no choice. This is the way the system works, and to succeed in life they have to follow it.




Why do you think there are so many Chinese students here?



There isn't a successful, effective scientist, physician, mathematician in the world that didn't spend hours memorizing facts and analyzing tables. Not one.




卫报网站评论版 Saga Ringmar

Here's the truth about Shanghai schools: they're terrible

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财新传媒出品,精选国际舆论对中国话题的报道、分析和评论。它们有的持正平和,有的辛辣讥刺,也有的狗血八卦——但都很有趣。每天花上五分钟,看看全世界对中国的态度,了解态度背后的故事。 旁观中国阵地A(原创类) 旁观中国阵地B(外媒摘编及读者来稿) 旁观中国微博: 新浪:旁观中国OnChina 腾讯:旁观中国 微信公众号:旁观中国(on_china) (点击以上标题可进入相关链接) 欢迎访问及投稿!

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