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William Spence | 文

 对于任何一个来自英语国家的人,看到中国街边的路牌上写着“The Racist Park”(种族歧视者公园),或者一家餐馆的菜单上写着“smell of urine”(尿臊气),恐怕很难不笑出来。不过,外国人乱用中文的情况也好不到哪里去,而且可能有更为“持久”的后果。

For any native English speaker, it’s hard not to laugh when you see a signpost pointing the way to ‘The Racist Park’ or a restaurant menu offering you a dish with the “smell of urine”. But foreigners aren’t exactly innocent when it comes to using Chinese, and often with much more lasting consequences. 

▲ 据说这个路标已经改成“The Park of Ethnic Minorities”了


长久以来,用汉字纹身在西方一直非常流行,最近更是如此。根据新华社的报道,多达35%的NBA球星在身上纹有中国 “符号”,这反映出在西方人眼中汉字意义非凡,至少从美学角度看很有吸引力。

Chinese tattoos have long been popular in the West, perhaps now more so than ever. According to a report by Xinhua, up to 35% of NBA stars have China-themed ‘ink’, reflecting the widespread notion that there is something meaningful or at least aesthetically pleasing about Chinese characters.


But given that the vast majority of people getting these tattoos don’t read Chinese, and the people giving them don’t either, there is huge room for mistakes to be made. Sometimes in quite spectacular fashion.


Search the internet for misspelled Chinese tattoos and you’ll be scrolling for hours. We’ve established the 5 main types of error foreigners make when it comes to getting a Chinese tattoo, and picked out some the best/worst examples. 


1: Miswritten hanzi: The sheer quantity of people who fall victim to these kinds of mistakes conveys the extent to which people value the appearance of a tattoo over its actually meaning. It seems people are walking into tattoo shops around the world with the simple request: ‘Chinese looking tattoo please’. 



■ 2: Lost in translation: Having a slightly wonky character actually seems pretty desirable compared with some of these catastrophes. You can only assume Google translate was having an off day, or that perhaps there’s some evil-genius tattoo artist out there somewhere, preying on unsuspecting victims. 


3: Mirrored characters: The idiot in question here should be self-evident, while perhaps it is quite fitting that a self-confessed ‘Marijuana addict’ should get his tattoo so confused. As for ‘Golden Pig’, who know? 



4: No real meaning: So you’ve found a tattoo artist who can write reasonable hanzi, and you know what you want to get. Unfortunately, your problems don’t stop there. Here are a couple of examples of people who made it to the final hurdle, but failed spectacularly when it came to making any grammatical sense. 


5)错到了家:一些纹身店认为汉字和字母语言一样,每个字连在一起就是一个单字或短语。博客“一知半解(Hanzi Smatter)”(一个专门记录中国文字在西方是怎么被曲解的博客),甚至于研究出了一张表格,来解读这些密码般的语言。下面这位纹身者浑然不觉地(或者是一无所知地、笨笨地、疯狂地)认为,根据这份代码表,自己纹在身上的汉字代表着“母亲”(MOM)。

5: The wrong idea altogether: Some tattoo parlors treat Chinese as an alphabetic language, that can be arranged to create words or phrases. Blog Hanzi Smatter, dedicated to highlighting the misuse of Chinese tattoos, even came up with a chart to decode this gibberish. The oblivious (not to mention clueless, idiotic, insane etc.) recipient of this tattoo though she was getting ‘MOM’. 

在中国传统中,纹身原本是一种禁忌,通常标志着犯罪历史。不过近些年来,人们态度已经开放了许多(甚至李娜都有纹身!)。与此同时发生的是,人们开始穿着 写有各种“中式英语”口号的衣服上街。可以想见,也许不久之后,我们就可以看脚腕上纹着“Slut”(荡妇),手臂上写着“Love change location thousand things overcome”,甚至脖子上纹着“toidI”的中国潮人了。

Tattoos have traditionally been something of a taboo in China, often signaling a convict past, but attitudes have become MORE liberal in recent years (even Li Na has one!). This, coupled with the apparent willingness of so many Chinese to wear pretty outrageous Chinglish slogans on their clothes suggests that it may not be long before we see people walking around with ‘Slut’ brandished on their ankle, ‘Love change location thousand things overcome’ up their arm, or maybe even a nice ‘toidI’ on their neck.  


When it comes to tattoos, and tattoo mistakes, the possibilities are endless. 


作者马威(William Spence)为财新传媒实习研究员


马威(William Spence),生于腐国,长于伦敦。大学毕业,来京北漂。资深球迷,自从出生。差点出演哈利波特电影里的罗恩(同事插话:落选原因大概是太帅)


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