财新传媒 财新传媒


 黄蒂 | 整理写作

 英语杂志Time out近期邀请了海内外88位电影专家,评选出中国内地100部最佳电影。参与评选的包括导演、制作人、评论人、学者以及电影业内人士。最终结果已经出炉,我们在这里列出前30名,并重点介绍一下前五名:

 5 小武 The Pickpocket

导演贾樟柯 1997 剧情片




| This sense of perversity is Jia’s very point. In a society that has been systematically corrupted by the abrupt wealth manufactured by accelerated modernity, it is the little person – whose corruption is not sanctioned by the authorities – who suffers most.


- Michael Berry,加州大学教授,《历史的痛苦:在现代中国文学和电影中的创伤》作者


'Xiao Wu re-wrote the rules for independent filmmaking in China and introduced the world to one of the most dynamic filmmakers working today.'

4 阳光灿烂的日子 In the Heat of the Sun

导演姜文 1994 剧情片




| He admits that these are romanticised and sometimes wished-for episodes from his own childhood, and like other Chinese directors of the 1990s he is preoccupied with temporality and the fallibility of memory.



- Conrad Clark,《灵魂的马车》导演


'Jiang Wen's three establishing feature films mark him out as the strongest voice in Mainland Chinese Cinema - a risk taker without seeking to be controversial as such; a craftsman of the cinematic form; and a director with a distant enough perspective to show the absurdities within historical tragedies of his country. ' 

3 鬼子来了 Devils on the Doorstep

导演姜文 2000 喜剧/战争


| Jiang Wen is known as an actor who can fill the most mundane dialogue with the ribald brashness of peeing into a ditch. The Cannes Grand Prix-winning Devils on the Doorstep showed that he knows a thing or two about exasperating audience expectations from behind the camera too. 

《鬼子来了》的故事设定在1945年,一个被日军俘虏的中国的孤立村庄。电影开场,姜文扮演的马大山在幽会中途被貌似熟悉的声音打扰,他打开门,一个未知的入侵者拿枪指着他,说服他在地下室里藏匿两个俘虏,直到新年… … 



| As with a number of films on this list, Devils on the Doorstep was banned on its initial release, and a delegation was sent to the Cannes film festival to try to prevent it from being screened. The reasons offered were that the film portrays its Chinese protagonists as being too dim-witted, and lacking in sufficient amounts of patriotism and hatred towards the Japanese. They may as well have said they banned the film because its characters are all too human. 


- Huang Lu,中国女演员


| 'While I was still in school, I saw a pirated version of this morally ambiguous film Devils on the Doorstep. The room was filled with the sound of everyone’s laughter and it continued for over an hour. Then, when the massacre scene started, the entire classroom was silent. A real movie is one that can induce emotions in everyone.' 

- Clifford Coonan,《好莱坞报道》亚洲分社社长


| 'I love this sensitive, intelligent reading of China's relationship with Japan, and with its own demons.' 

2 小城之春 Spring in a Small Town

导演费穆 1948 音乐剧



| Its portrayal of individuals as psychologically tormented and morally conflicted, rather than as part of an ideologically enlightened mass that had transcended banalities like human suffering, was deemed reactionary and bourgeois.


- 王小帅,《十七岁的单车》,《我十一》的导演


| 'Spring in a Small Town... transcended the concept of film from every previous era. The pioneering concepts of such films are comparable to that of the great European film directors. They broke free of the restrictions of that time period and, even today, they still have a unique artistic allure.' 

- 饶辉,剧作家和小说家;中央戏剧学院教授


| 'A frightened woman standing on the ruins of war.' 

- Jason Mcgrath,明尼苏达大学副教授,《后社会主义现代性:中国电影,文学,以及市场时代的批判》作者


| 'The film just gets more fascinating with repeated viewings, and so many of its features - the subtle circular structure, the disturbing yet intimate voice over narration, the elliptical editing, the simultaneous evocation and suppression of an almost frightening erotic passion - all seem to have little precedent nor few successors in Chinese cinema.' 

1 霸王别姬 Farewell My Concubine

导演陈凯歌 1993 剧情片



| society and politics are secondary. At the forefront is the blurred distinction between life and stage and the confusion of identity. 



| ‘To us the Cultural Revolution was worse than the Second World War, because we lost a sense of respect, of human dignity,’ says Chen, ‘I’m not trying to criticise anyone,’ ‘I’m saying this is history and if you know nothing about history you don’t have a future. That’s clear but no one listened to me, unfortunately. My generation’s voice is weak.’ 


- Raymond Zhou,《中国日报》专栏作家和电影作家


| 'A historic sweep, rich texture and great performances all around. Leslie Cheung delivers what many consider one of the greatest screen performances in China’s film history.'

 - Ben Sin,Time Out香港的电影剪辑师


| 'Arguably the most important Mainland Chinese film of all time.' 

- Kevin Niu,Time Out北京编辑


| 'A flawless work. There is no better cinematic reflection on that time period.'


- Yung Chang,《沿江而上》,《千锤百炼》导演


| 'As a first generation, huayi (ethnic Chinese), Farewell My Concubine started to shape my investigation into my Chinese heritage.'




06 铁西区 West of the Tracks

导演王兵 2003 纪录片

07 黄土地 Yellow Earth

导演陈凯歌 1984 剧情

08 活着 To Live

导演张艺谋 1994 剧情/战争

09 神女 The Goddess

导演吴永刚 1934 音乐剧

10 马路天使 Street Angel

导演袁牧之 1937 剧情/喜剧/音乐剧

11 三峡好人 Still Life

导演贾樟柯 2006 剧情片

12 红高粱 Red Sorghum

导演张艺谋 1987 剧情/战争

13 大红灯笼高高挂 Raise the Red Lantern

导演张艺谋 1991 剧情片

14 蓝风筝 The Blue Kite

导演田壮壮 1993 剧情片

15 盲井 Blind Shaft

导演李杨 2003 剧情/惊悚

16 月台 Platform

导演贾樟柯 2000 剧情片

17 苏州河 Suzhou River

导演娄烨 2000 剧情/爱情

18 太阳照常升起 The Sun Also Rises

导演姜文 2007 剧情片

19 芙蓉镇 Hibiscus Town

导演谢晋 1986 剧情片

20 颐和园 Summer Palace

导演娄烨 2006 剧情/爱情

21 菊豆 Ju Dou

导演张艺谋、杨凤良 1990 剧情/爱情

22 本命年 Black Snow

导演谢飞 1990 剧情片

23 舞台姐妹 Two Stage Sisters

导演谢晋 1964音乐剧

24 大闹天宫 Havoc in Heaven

导演万籁鸣,唐澄 1965 动画(唯一一部入选动画片)

25 盗马贼 The Horse Thief

导演田壮壮 1986剧情片

26 请愿 Petition

导演赵亮 2009 纪录片

27 牛皮 Oxhide

导演刘伽茵 2005 剧情/实验

28 让子弹飞 Let the Bullets Fly

导演姜文 2010 动作/喜剧/西部

29 疯狂的石头 Crazy Stone

导演宁浩 2006犯罪/喜剧

30 大路 The Big Road

导演孙瑜 1934剧情/喜剧/音乐剧

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