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好莱坞夫妇布拉德•皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜•朱莉(Angelina Jolie)现在多了一个共同点:都得罪过中国。







why are the chinese hurt of what she said? it’s not like she insulted the chinese culture and their people etc. jezuz. sometimes you need to chill.


Anonymous: 我认为大多数中国人并不在乎这个,这篇文章在试图把它政治化……但显然失败了……

i think most Chines people don’t care about that, this article is trying to drag the matter to politics…but apparently has failed…


lim hui:不,大多数中国人都不认识安吉丽娜,当然不会在乎她的话。《华尔街日报》反应过度了。

No. The majority of Chinese don’t know Angelina, certainly don’t care what she says. WSJ is overacting.



Yes, hard to regard Ms Jolie as some kind of clever person if she goes to a country to promote her film and makes statements that provokes a boycott. Regardless of the merits of her comment, she would do well to read more and spend less time putting make-up on her face.



Ang Lee a good director? I was bored stiff with “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”



dave c:



Ang Lee Taiwan Best Director Oscars: 2
China: 0
Game Over.


funny thing is: 有趣的是,大多数美国人会说李安是个中国导演。

funny thing is, most americans will say ang lee is a chinese director

(小编:WSJ的评论系统,竟然把评论的前几个单词,自动收录为用户名。好吧,这个评论者的名字叫“funny thing is”。。。)



Bystander: 放开安吉丽娜!她只是在直接明了的回答问题:李安来自台湾,出生在台湾的人被称为台湾人。就像很多人出生在美国就叫美国人一样,除非你想搞特殊。这不是个政治情境,她只是在那里宣传电影,干嘛小题大做?再说,什么时候起那些“愤怒的中国人”真的买票去电影院看她电影了?(小编:请您来中国看看影院的盛况……)他们可能都不知道她是谁,但我相信他们很可能会看盗版电影。

Blah blah blah….leave Angie alone, she was answering the question that was straight forward: Ang Lee from Taiwan, and people who were born in Taiwan is called Taiwanese. Just like many other people that were born in America is called Americans, unless you want to get specific, this was not a political situation, she was there to promote her movie. Simple as that, why make a big fuss? and since when does those “Angry Chinese people” actually goes into a movie theater to purchase a ticket to watch her movie? They may not know who she is, but i’m sure they’re probably watching the pirated version of the movie anyway.


Hewlett Packard:看到有人跳出来诋毁其他人总是很欢乐。在台湾的人认为台湾是个独立国家(小编:只是其中一些人哦),而在大陆的人认为台湾是中国一个省。所以那些认为安吉丽娜•朱莉是个蠢货或疯狂女人的人,他们选择的词语和自身的行为才真是相当奇怪。

It is always nice to see people come out and denigrate others. People in Taiwan think that they are a separate independent country whilst people in mainland China think Taiwan is a Province of China. So those who think that Angelina Jolie is an idiot or deranged woman are rather strange in their choice of words and perhaps their own behaviour.


TK: 为什么每个人都需要知道中国政治的里里外外?对一些人来说中国一点儿趣都没有,面对事实吧!

Why does everyone need to know the political ins and outs of China? There are people to whom China is not even mildly interesting, Face it!


orig.bakergrl@yahoo.com: 真的?她都承认了她不知道李安是不是中国导演?他们肯定有大把时间来对这位做了很多慈善的好演员生气。如果他们抵制她,我就抵制中国食品!!!(小编:请三思,个人认为中国食品比美国商业大片的吸引力还是大多了哦。)

Really? She even admitted she did not know if he qualified as a Chinese Director! They must have a lot of time on their hands to get Mad at a Celebrity that helps a lot of Charities and is a damned Good Actress- I will boycott Chinese food if they boycott her!!!!!



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