┃ 如果所有的知名度都是好的知名度,那么中国的国家广播机构刚刚帮了东莞的青楼一个大忙,同时还给自己的脸上来了一拳。
┃ If all publicity is good publicity, then China’s state broadcaster just did the brothels of Dongguan a big favor–while simultaneously giving itself yet another black eye.
┃ 周一打到央视的电话一直无人接听。
┃ Repeated calls to CCTV rang unanswered on Monday.
┃ (看到央视报道后)网上的反应基本是:这也叫新闻?
┃ The online reaction was, roughly: This is news?
┃ 央视揭露说东莞成了声名狼藉行业的温床,其揭露性之强堪比它2013年10月报道星巴克咖啡很贵的那次。
┃ CCTV’s exposé that Dongguan was home to many houses of ill repute was seen as about as revelatory as its October 2013 report that Starbucks coffee was expensive.
┃ 性交易在中国是非法的,但却是普遍的。
┃ Prostitution is illegal in China, but the sex trade is widespread.
┃ 根据一些预计,在中国有400万至600万性工作者。
┃ According to some estimates, there are four to six million sex workers in China.
┃ BBC在去年10月的一次调查发现,在多个知名的西方品牌酒店内独立经营的洗浴中心中,存在有组织的卖淫活动。
┃ A BBC investigation in October found evidence of organised prostitution at independently run spas located inside a number of well known, Western-brand hotels.
┃ 去年,人权观察(HRW)的一份报告称,中国的性工作者遭受警察的虐待,包括身体攻击、任意拘留和勒索。
┃ Last year, a report by advocacy group Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that sex workers in China experienced abuse by police, including physical assault, arbitrary detentions and extortion.
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