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Chinese Test Cheating Tools Look Like Something Out Of James Bond
A student was caught wearing a pair of glasses with a camera in Shenyang, Liaoning province. Supposedly the cheater would activate the camera (top photo) with what looks like a remote shutter coin. The camera would then send black and white photos of the test to an outside location. The answer would then be sent back to the student. It doesn't say how the information was sent back.
In Fuzhou, Guangzhou province, police found this wallet receiver contraption on the person of a male test taker. The contraption works in conjunction with a small camera. The receiver was tied to the young man's armpit. The camera was built into a plastic drink bottle.
In Sichuan province, 40 students were suspected of using a high tech pen to cheat. The pen would send test questions back to another location and answers would be sent back to the cheaters via in-ear receivers.
A wired up t-shirt was confiscated during another important state sponsored exam. The shirt is wired with a camera and plugs into a mobile phone that sends signal out.
A set of old-school Nokia cellphones set up as cheating devices.
If I were the Chinese government: I would grill those kids to see where they got those devices. Any kid who actually built their own electronic cheating glasses should get a top university spot for their ingenuity!
What's good enough for a short stint in economics or politics makes for a lifelong career in, say, the CIA.
In my catholic high school, the girls would write the test answers on their thighs under their skirts. I don't recall anyone getting caught. Simple yet effective. These kids are amateurs.
That is brilliant, if someone this clever got caught you have to imagine how many other awesome cheat methods that actually succeed out there.
- 他们每间房都有多个监考老师实时巡逻;
- 手持的电子扫描器,与机场手持金属探测器差不多;
- 每个考场都有多个摄像头;
- 在浙江省诸暨市,一名工人在教室中安装监视器,这间教室将在之后的高考中作为考场;
- 吉利招考部门的人员使用电子监视器监视全省的考场;
- 他们使用监测枪,监测电波或wifi信号。
- They have multiple proctors per room actively patrolling;
- Hand held Electronics scanners similar to hand held metal detectors used in airports;
- Multiple cameras in exam rooms;
- A worker installs a monitoring camera in a classroom, which will be used for the national college entrance examination, in Zhuji in East China's Zhejiang province;
- Staff members from the admissions department in Jilin Province use an electronic monitoring system to observe all the exam sites in the province;
- They use these guns to scan for radio/wireless communications.
So they find a way to cheat the high school test... then what? Lets say their cheating pays off and they get into a top school. Wouldn't they just get their asses handed to them by the advanced academia there? I'm guessing these top schools also have ways to catch cheaters and stricter retaliation against those caught.
They will probably continue to cheat at the top schools. Get a degree in 4 years then get out in the real world and start making bank.
josh anime:SAT考试(小编注:美国的学术能力评估测试,俗称美国高考)也会有这些问题吗?公平来说,这些作弊的学生面对着唯一一次重要性如此之高的考试机会,这从根本上是错误的,实际上是逼学生作弊,这样他们才可以确定取得好成绩,光宗耀祖之类的。
do people have this problem with the SAT? to be fair to these cheating students, having a single test with this much significance is fundamentally flawed and practically forces students to cheat so that they can be sure that they'll make something of themselves and honour their families, etc etc.
I think that American admissions departments are generally more tolerant and more broad in their requirements. A mediocre SAT score might not get you into an Ivy League but it wouldn't shut the door outright on a good school, especially if you have a good resume otherwise.
Lets compare it to some different systems the USA system where rich kids can pad their application endlessly while poor kids have nothing.……VS the East Asian system. Where the only thing that matters is your test score. Rich/Poor nothing matters other than your test score. Even if you are Rich having fancy tutors won't help you if you are too lazy or simply not smart enough.
原文参考:Chinese Test Cheating Tools Look Like Something Out Of James Bond,作者:Eric Jou(点击“阅读原文”直达)
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